
Creator of concepts that are indispensable today both at the philosophical level and at the level of interdisciplinary knowledge, Paul Ricœur(1913-2005) took on the tireless task of dialoguing with numerous representants of different fields of knowledge, with whom he contributed to the composition of the background of the production of thought in the 20th century.

That Ricœur has at the same time affirmed his identity – as a man of the left, as a Christian, as a Western citizen, but without being philosophically satisfied with it, is an illustration of his fundamental proposal for the interpretation of human existence: that it has to be critical and hermeneutic.

The expression forged in order to arbitrate the controversy between Habermas and Gadamer, although provided the title to one of the subchapters of the book From text to action, the well known “Towards a critical hermeneutics”, also emerged at the heart of a fascinating philosophical maturing process: that of a project entirely guided by the refusal to produce a direct ontology that intends to be immune and deaf to the unavoidable achievements of ethics and the human sciences, to which, according to Ricœur, we owe the essential critical enlighteningon the world in which we live.

For Ricœur, however, just as the vocation of philosophy is decidedly critical, its first step is to acknowledge conflict.

The conflict in the search for the truth of meaning is already present in his great book The Symbolic of Evil, where the very conflict between different symbols and myths of evil becomes productive, giving what to think about. For the conflict of interpretations will quickly become for Ricœur a matrix that produces dialectical thinking: between the reductive interpretation of the meaning of symbols, and the amplifying interpretation, that is, between the hermeneutics of suspicion (Freud, Marx and Nietzsche) and the restorative hermeneutics of the sense.

In Oneself as Another, it was also in terms of a conflict between the illusions of a Cartesian cogito, which is self-founding, and those of a Nietzschean cogito, which does not even arise, that the critical subject ended up reaching his tragic condition of the wounded Cogito.

Ricœur fully recognizes the moment of critical rationality at the center of the operation of existential interpretation, but refuses to recognize rationality as a foundational function, inviting Marxism and psychoanalysis to define themselves as hermeneutics. For the same reasons, structuralist methods are no longer enough to think about the cultural, textual and historical objectifications of the human subject, since Ricœur sees in the critical function of the subject a shift from reason towards imagination. For him, it is necessary to reconcile the critical and the creative functions of the human subject, through concepts such as the ontological vehemence of metaphor, narrative identity and the various categories that give primacy to the practical existence of human beings.

Unfolded in narratives that are also collective, the Ricœurian subject discovered through critical hermeneutics is supportive of critical reflexivity that only achieves self-knowledge through a long process of mediation of cultural signs.In this way, the process of the necessary critique of ideologies is not the initiative of a rationality without ideology, since for Ricœur there is no reason without ideology, but it has its origin elsewhere in the social imaginary. It is in utopia, whose essentially practical critical power is rooted in tools of rational deconstruction, in the way of the Frankfurt school, and yet is based on narratives of liberation and historical memory, with its past actions, cultural and mythical traditions and religious.

Seeking to take full advantage of Ricœur’s rich conception of identity, and more especially interested in the developments throughout the philosopher’s work that make it possible to think about a collective identity, the recently created Rede BrasilRicœur invites the  international community of researchers to revisit the critical hermeneutics proposedby Paul Ricœur.

Taking into account the factthat Brazilian society is marked by the plurality of peoples and traditions, but also considering that its history has gone through serious contradictions, which have intensified recently and have led us to a crisis of national identity, we can say that in many ways the critical dynamics formed by the hermeneutics of symbols, texts, self and action can challenge us or even provoke us. As a method that applies to numerous areas of knowledge, critical hermeneutics recommends not letting collective identity retract and shrink in the form of substantialist mythification, as this makes it ideological, and inversely guides collective identity through the filter of a critique – historiographical, sociological, anthropological, theoretical-literary, etc. It is therefore a question of this call to nourish it with the creative and utopian resources of a diversified belonging like ours.

At the same time, if Ricœur’s critical hermeneutics invites us to constantly rectify memory through historiography, in order to limit the ideological power of a merely affective memory without self-criticism, would this not be the key to the critical distance so indispensable to the clarification of our history, so necessary to our specific coexistence?

Finally, with a healthy critique of the semiotic and rhetorical dimensions of the texts of our culture, whose naive reading must be limited, it is also necessary to explore the resources of Ricœur’s critical hermeneutics from the point of view of the periphery and from the decolonial thought, as in the work of Ernst Wolff.

In short, it is possible to bet that, since critical hermeneutics is not a bare and abstract reason, perhaps it facilitates access, through the long and difficult path of critical surveillance, to the proposals of meaning, construction and action among us.


  • When: The Congress will be in person, August 14-16, 2023.
  • Where: UNICAMP – State University of Campinas, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz – Barão Geraldo, Campinas – SP, Brazil.
  • Application: from 10/02/2023 to 31/07/2023, through the site: 
  • Information:

Thematic Axes

  • Hermeneutics and human sciences;
  • Phenomenology and hermeneutics;
  • Ethics, politics and recognition;
  • Studies of religion and philosophy;
  • Action, language, narrative and identity;
  • Memory, history and Brazilian identity;
  • Identity, race and gender.


14/08/2023 – Segunda-feira


Identidade e identidades. Pensar Brasil com Ricœur, pensar Ricœur com Brasil
Andrés Bruzzone – Presidente da Associação Rede Brasil-Ricœur

Apresentação dos participantes do congresso, dos temas das conferências e das
palestras e da Associação rede Brasil Ricœur 20 minutos

Paul Ricœur, um pensamento voltado para o futuro.
Professora Cristina Henrique da Costa – Teoria Literária, IEL/UNICAMP.

Apresentação dos objetivos científicos do congresso 20 minutos


A arquitetura dialógica da identidade humana em Paul Ricœur. Implicações éticas e
Professora Beatriz Contreras Tasso – Filosofia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de

Conferência proferida em língua estrangeira com projeção do texto traduzido 60

Sessão de perguntas e diálogo com mediação de Walter Salles 30 minutos

Público esperado: entre 60 e 100 pessoas

Coffee Break

Pensar as identidades latino-americanas. Literatura e filosofia.
Professora Paula Andrea Dejanón Bonilla – Estudos Literários, Universidad Libre:
Bogota, Colombia.

Conferência proferida em língua estrangeira com projeção do texto traduzido 60

Sessão de perguntas e diálogo com mediação de Cláudio Reichert 30 minutos

Público esperado: entre 60 e 100 pessoas

Comunicações e apresentações de trabalho

Seleção pelo comitê científico de 18 trabalhos a serem apresentados de acordo com
os eixos temáticos do congresso (com a presença dos conferencistas, dos
palestrantes e do comitê científico do congresso. 90 minutos

Público esperado: 35 pessoas

Mesa 1

Filosofia, Teoria literária, literatura: a mediação impossível?
Prof. Jean-Luc Amalric (EHESS – Paris) – Prof. Hélio Salles Gentil (USJT) (a confirmar) –
Profa. Cristina Henrique da Costa (UNICAMP)

3 palestras, discussão da mesa e diálogo com o público 120 minutos

Público esperado: 50 pessoas

Jantar por adesão

15/08/2023 – Terça-feira


Quando Ricœur se encontra com Viveiros de Castro.
Professor Jean-Luc Amalric, Filosofia – École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales –

Conferência proferida em língua estrangeira com projeção do texto traduzido 60

Sessão de perguntas e diálogo com mediação de Cristina Henrique da Costa 30

Público esperado: entre 60 e 100 pessoas

Coffee Break

Filosofia da libertação versus hermenêutica. O debate entre Dussel e Ricœur e sua
significação contemporânea.
Professor Ernst Wolff – Filosofia, KU Leuven.

Conferência proferida em língua estrangeira com projeção do texto traduzido 60

Sessão de perguntas e diálogo com mediação de Cristina Vianna 30 minutos

Público esperado: entre 60 e 100 pessoas

Comunicações e apresentações de trabalho

Seleção pelo comitê científico de 18 trabalhos a serem apresentados de acordo com
os eixos temáticos do congresso com a presença dos demais participantes
(conferencistas, palestrantes, membros do comitê científico) 90 minutos

Público esperado: 35 pessoas

Mesa 2

Paul Ricœur : identidade e decolonialidade em perspectiva brasileira.
Profa. Cristina Viana (UFAL) – Prof. Fernando Nascimento (BOWDOIN COLLEGE –
E.U.A.) – Prof. Weiny César (UFMS)

3 palestras, mesa redonda e diálogo com o público 120 minutos

Público esperado: 50 pessoas


Ferramentas ricœurianas úteis na perspectiva interdisciplinar: símbolo, conflito de
interpretações, hermenêutica crítica, metáfora, identidade narrativa, cogito partido.
Profa. Cristina Henrique da Costa (UNICAMP)
Prof. Jean-Luc Amalric (EHESS Paris)

Minicurso ministrado em português 120 minutos

Inscrições esperadas: 45 pessoas

16/08/2023 – Quarta-feira


Mudança de cenário como critério de toposidade significante
Professor Vincent Davy Kacou – Filosofia – Teologia, Domuni Universitas -Toulouse

Conferência proferida em língua estrangeira com projeção do texto traduzido 60

Sessão de perguntas e diálogo com mediação de Andres Bruzzone 30 minutos

Público esperado: entre 60 e 100 pessoas

Coffee Break
Comunicações e apresentações de trabalho

Seleção pelo comitê científico de 18 trabalhos a serem apresentados com a presença
de membros do comitê científico, palestrantes e conferencistas.

Público esperado 35 pessoas

Reunião de trabalho

Projeto e desenvolvimento da Associação REDE BRASIL-RICŒUR
Coordenação: Andres Bruzzone – Presidente da REDE BRASIL-RICŒUR.

Reunião de trabalho dos membros da Associação Rede Brasil Ricœur 90 minutos

Sem público

Conferência de encerramento

As armadilhas da identidade
Profa. Jeanne-Marie Gagnebin de Bons – Filosofia, Teoria literária – PUC São Paulo –

Conferência proferida em português 60 minutos

Sessão de perguntas e diálogo com o público com mediação de Roberto Lauxen

Público esperado: entre 60 e 100 pessoas

Call for Submissions of Works

National and international researchers are invited to submit abstracts of their research according to the following guidelines:

  • Mode: Scientific Communication
  • Standarts
  1. The author must be registered in the event to guarantee the presentation and publication of the abstract;
  2. Each participant can submit a work in the category of first author;
  3. The maximum number of authors per work is 2 participants;
  4. The abstract must have to 300 – 500 words and be presented in a single paragraph, font: Times New Roman, size: 12, 1.5 spacing, with the registration of 3 to 5 keywords, separated by a semicolon being the last word followed by a period, according to the following model: click here!;
  5. The abstract cannot contain tables, figures, images, special characters, theoretical footnotes, citations and references;
  6. Abstracts must be submitted through the link: click here!


Abstract submission period: 02/28/2023 to 05/31/2023

Disclosure of approved abstracts: 06/15/2023

*The abstracts of the approved works will be published in the journal of the event.